So lets see, where does this all begin…
On Monday night, January 7th, someone mentioned to me that we should get the group of locals together one more time before everyone heads back out to school for a little meet. The way I saw it was, forget it, lets make it huge!
At 10:00PM Monday night, the Facebook event group was made and by 12:00am it had been spread to over 4,500 people thanks to some help from Philly Car Meets.
I didn’t know what to expect because of the location, short notice, and lack of Warrington, PA being a popular spot for meets. Most of the action normally takes place closer to the city.
Wednesday night finally came around and no one knew what to expect. The whole thing was a shot in the dark! Whenever our group of locals roll out to meets though, its customary to meet at the Warrington car wash on Street Road to clean up our rides one last time. However, by 7:00 Wednesday night, it wasn’t just the same group of locals at the wash. Over 40 people flooded the bays in preparation for a meet. That’s like a meet of its own in my eyes!
Around 8:00 we finally rolled down the street to Target only to find two rows filled in the parking lot already….amazing! As time went on more and more groups were rolling in from everywhere in the area!
There was a little bit of everything at the meet and surprisingly people followed the rules for the most part. There is always gonna be those few people that try to ruin it for everyone else. And for the guy in the white single cab, short bed Ram…sweet tire spins around the corners…3 times…everyone thought it was the coolest thing evar!
Once the police finally did arrive, I was told by the officer whom I know, that it was the biggest car meet Warrington has ever seen! I would like to thank everyone out there who came out and made the drive for it. I would also like to thank Philly Car Meets and Warrington Police for being cool with it all! And another big thanks to our friends at Yup!!! Truck Club who came out to support us! See you all at the next one!
Words: Mike DeFusco Photos: Mike Burns
